
How manufacturers can manage costs and pricing in uncertain markets: Judging the right balance

In today’s challenging economic landscape, Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) manufacturers are facing margin pressure due to rising energy costs, inflation, and changing consumer spending habits. Vuealta Consulting’s whitepaper delves into the challenges manufacturers encounter and presents a 5-step agile planning approach to address them. The whitepaper highlights a successful case study involving Nomad Foods, showcasing…

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Bridging the gaps in Higher Education

As the landscape of higher education continues to evolve, efficient and strategic resource allocation is pivotal for institutions aiming to provide excellent education while optimizing their operations. Find out how Anaplan can transform your higher education planning, by improving student enrollment management and staff planning, helping your institution stay ahead in an increasingly competitive environment….

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Housebuilding in an uncertain market: a Vuealta guide

Housebuilding in an uncertain market: a Vuealta guide explores how connected planning can help housebuilders manage risk and contain costs across every stage of the project lifecycle. Our guide explains how housebuilders can use connected planning to: Vuealta planning models for Anaplan enable housebuilders to build flexible plans that enable teams to plan land acquisitions,…

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What if? Loan book planning in a volatile market

Rising inflation, a global energy crisis and a larger-than-expected fall inproductivity in many of the world’s major economies means that we are on the brink of a major global recession. With loan applications rising, mortgage interest rates reaching new highs, and many billions of dollars being set aside by banks around the world to cover…

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Vuealta’s Guide to AI-Powered Demand Planning

Tired of inaccurate forecasts leading to lost sales and excess inventory? Discover how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize your demand planning process. Vuealta Consulting’s whitepaper reveals how AI can improve forecast accuracy by 10-20%, resulting in up to a 5% reduction in inventory and revenue increases of 2-3%. We’ve integrated cutting-edge Machine Learning technology from…

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